Demanding better for Hamstead, Great Barr, Yew Tree, and Tame Bridge. Learn more
by Mark Smith on 21 January, 2021
A couple of the team observed Walsall’s Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which included a report on the Sprint service along the A34. Transport for West Midlands are saying it will be 100% zero-emissions vehicles when it is introduced. They are also expecting to introduce a mixed fleet of double-deck and single-deck articulated buses to start with, but aiming to move to all single-deck eventually.
They also talked about the Park & Ride scheme plans, which Walsall wants to see introduced regardless of whether Phase 2 of the Sprint plans goes ahead. (They want to see it “decoupled” from the Sprint plans.) Apparently, they have looked at the Aston University grounds and land near The Bell as possible sites for this, and dismissed both. Ominously, they are still looking for sites “in the vicinity”. So Sandwell needs to keep a close eye on things and liaise with its neighbours. (It was interesting to see that Walsall dismissed talk of housing on the Aston Uni grounds site as rumour since it is only a submission for the Black Country Plan and are not regarding it as a threat to the site.)
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